Welcome to Mr. Maglocci's Online Virtual Restaurant. Enjoy today's musical offerings and be sure to give us a Great YELP! Review.
Rhythms - No great dinner or musical selection is worth eating or listening to without great rhythms, notes and rests. Complete the page of Notes and Rests and print it out and save it in your folder. Click HERE for PDF
Main Course
Now to the Main Course. The Music Chef has prepared a lovely Medley of Holiday Music for you to practice. Practice Holiday Medley...this piece will be played on our December 19th, 2016 Winter Concert 1st year students need to be able to name the notes from measure 1-32 and demonstrate the correct fingering and posture 2nd and 3rd years students need to do the same as the 1st year plus be able to play measures 1-32.
No great dinner or musical activity is complete without a tasty sweet treat. Click HERE for a VIDEO of Jazz at Lincoln Center playing "Sleigh Ride" by Leroy Anderson. Pay close attention to the musician's posture, hand position and the ways in which they change the melodies by "improvising". Enjoy!